Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dying To Be Thin - 525 Words

â€Å"Dying to be Thin,† produced by PBS, is a documentary that examines the troubles that persons who are affected by eating disorders go through and the constant, daily struggles they face with health and body image. The film tells the story of a number of young women who battled mainly anorexia and bulimia and mixes a variety of ages to give a â€Å"during† and an â€Å"after† perspective. Many of the women in the video were ballet or some similar type of dancer. Dancers, by their own account, are encouraged to be thin. The issue really came to the forefront after a young ballet dancer from Boston died of heart failure at the young age of 22, with an eating disorder deemed to be the cause. The narrator goes on to introduce more young women and detail the potential illnesses that their eating disorders can cause. Chronic low blood pressure, kidney and liver damage, severe early osteoporosis, and heart failure are all common things seem in patients who suffer fr om eating disorders. Most patients have dangerously low body weights, body fat percentages, and, often, young women will experience amenorrhea, which is the loss of menstruation. All of the people in the video wanted to be better and were seeking a road to recovery. The video showed though, how difficult that can be since the eating disorders can be so wide ranging and have a number of different root causes. Often patients develop eating disorders as something that they have control over, in a world that they feel is out of theirShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis: Dying To Be Thin565 Words   |  2 Pages The movie â€Å"Dying To Be Thin† follows the lives of multiple different girls who are suffering through an eating disorder. The movie shows how extreme an eating disorder can be and how serious this addiction is. We were also able to see different types of treatments that can be used to help these girls. There are many different types of eating disorders and Dying To Be Thin shows the characteristics of each different disorder. Throughout high school, I had a few different friends that were diagnosedRead MoreStruggle with Eating Disorders: Dying To Be Thin649 Words   |  3 Pages The film â€Å"Dying to be Thin† followed the cases of several individuals who have struggled with an eating disorder at some point in their lives, showing the different factors that play a role in eating disorder onset. Different individuals in the film have different reasons for developing an eating disorder but there are some over-arching themes such as the media’s influence, career-related pressures, and certain personality types. The movie relates that percentage of women with anorexia nervosaRead MoreEating Disorders Can Be Generally Characterized By Any Range Of Abnormal Or Disturbed Eating Habits897 Words   |  4 Pagesmay follow. Dying to Be Thin is an exceptional film that focuses on the prevalence of eating disorders in different settings. This film consists of interviews with students, ballet dancers, fashion models, and other young women who are in the process of recovery. Dying to Be Thin digs deep into the minds of women who suffer with Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa to show how distorted their thinking can become. The dangerous obsession for dancers and models to be abnormally thin is sweeping theRead MoreI Am Thin, Video And The Two Studies On Anorexia Nervosa863 Words   |  4 PagesAfter reviewing the â€Å"Dying to be Thin† (2000) video and the two studies on anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) my view of these two disorders has been expanded and somewhat altered. The â€Å"Dying to Be Thin† video looked at the history, triggers, medical complications and treatments. It documents the struggles of models, dancers and teenagers with the disease. The two studies on AN and BN asked patients in a therapeutic setting to write letters to their disorders from the friend and foe perspectiveRead MoreCultural Pressures to be Thin Essay771 Words   |  4 Pagescompare the size of men and women today to the sizes years ago? Recently there is a huge new trend of becoming as thin and fit as possible and thinking this is how one becomes beautiful. No one actually knows where thi s idea has emerged from. In the past big has been known as being healthy and beautiful. Take for instance Marilyn Monroe, she was the pin up girl for many men and wasnt exactly thin to todays standards. Todays celebrities wear sizes 0 - 2 and are the supposed poster girls of what beautifulRead MoreThe Influence Of Eating Disorders1022 Words   |  5 Pagesunhealthy low weight. We are inundated with images in the media of extremely thin models, actors, and celebrities that skew our perception of what is healthy. As Ruth Striegel-Moore from Wesleyan University notes in the PBS Nova documentary Dying to Be Thin (PBS Nova, 2015), â€Å"the repeated exposure to a particular image teaches you to like that particular image,† and adds that, â€Å"we have become so used to seeing extremely thin women, that we have learned to think that this is what is beautiful.† ModelsRead MoreEating Disorders : A Well Known Secret817 Words   |  4 Pagesthe general public. From the numerou s after school specials to the headlines on various gossip magazines accompanied by underweight starlets, the issues of eating disorders is a hard one to ignore. The documentary I chose to watch is one called Dying to Be Thin directed and produced by Larkin McPhee. This compelling picture focuses on eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia in relation to teenage girls and young women in the United States. Before watching the film I knew a fair amount about eatingRead MoreEating Disorders Are Generally Characterized By Any Range Of Abnormal Or Disturbed Eating Habits924 Words   |  4 Pagesper week, moderate is 4-7 per week, severe is 8-13 times per week and extreme is 14 or more episodes per week. Dying to Be Thin is an exceptional documentary that focuses on the prevalence of eating disorders in different settings. This film consists of interviews with students, ballet dancers, fashion models, and other young women who are in the process of recovery. Dying to Be Thin digs deep into the minds of women who suffer with Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa to demonstrate how the disorderRead MoreThe Media s Impact On Self Image762 Words   |  4 Pages Watching â€Å"Dying to be Thin† further solidified a slowly growing understanding of the media’s impact on self-image and its ability to steal a person’s life in a 30-second advertisement. As explained in the video, eating disorders have the highest death rate of any psychiatric illness. The onset of this illness seems to stem from a desire to achieve the unattainable and the subsequent desperation that ensues. â€Å"Dying to be Thin† properly explained the role of the media in saturating society wi thRead MoreDeath Is Not The End By Bob Dylan1041 Words   |  5 Pagesthe theme of Death. She describes her grave as her â€Å"house† which indicates that she is comfortable with the feeling of dying. In the first verse in the second stanza Dickinson writes: â€Å"We slowly drove†, this could possible mean that her and Death have finally joined and she is actually dying and ‘slowly’ could possibly mean that her Death was very slow and from a long illness or dying from old age in her sleep. Also, in the last verse on the second stanza, she writes: â€Å"We passed the Setting Sun† which

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